Advanced Open Water


Continue exploring the oceans, extend your dive times, reduce your air consumption and more with the SSI Advanced Adventurer program.

Try 5 different dive specialties without committing to a full dive program and discover the diving you love. This is the best way to continue your education to become a confident, safe and comfortable advanced diver.

Course Sessions Included:
Orientation Meeting [ORI]: 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm   (104 W. Main St., Delphi, IN, 46923)
[S1]: 8:00 am – 2:00pm

[S2]: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm

course details

How to get started



If you cannot decide which specialty programs are the best choice for you, join the SSI Advanced Adventurer program! With this program, you can try a variety of specialties before committing to full specialty programs. It is a great way to experience what advanced diver training is all about and how valuable it can be to your diving adventures.

During the Advanced Adventurer Program, you will try out 5 different specialties. You will complete one open water training dive per specialty after a comprehensive briefing with your SSI Instructor.

With this trial program in specialty diving, you will have total freedom to explore.

OUR Advanced Adventurer certifications will at least include: 1 Perfect Buoyancy Session, 1 Limited Visibility Session, 1 Navigation Session, 1 Deep Session, and 1 Alternate (Wreck, etc..). Contact us about specific class dates.

Note: Classes to be held at certain locations may be subject to additional costs.

You can complete the full specialty programs any time in the future and credit your Advanced Adventurer training towards them!


Minimum Open Water Diver Certified

Medically fit for diving

Minimum Age: Age: 12 years old

Risk Awareness For OWD

Risk Awareness For minors

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